Value Project with instruction

Creating the illusion of space on a 2D surface requires many "tricks of the trade", one of which is the ability to add value. Our Value Project is a skill-based project, and will focus on replicating a black and white photo. In order to replicate as closely as possible, we will work concurrently on drawing more accurately and on rendering value.

Keep in mind, an artist's style can be very different from skill work. KQED Line.

Creating a shared language: what is value, and how can we talk about it?

Important to have a standard for creation and communication:

  • creating and practicing value scales

    • construct 2 for practice

  • value scale v. gradient scales

Application of value: creating form

M.C. Escher


Creating a sphere: lights and darks, tips and tricks

Value project 1

Additional video instruction for shading a sphere. Virtual Instructor,

Value project 2: using other media to create value

Drawing more accurately using the grid method:

The grid method is used by some artists in all of their work. They like the grid method because it helps them break down the piece into smaller chunks and it helps them to be more precise in their rendering of subject matter. We use the grid method to help train your eye to see relationships between line, angle, shape, and measurements.

Video intro: drawing Chuck Close

Artist Chuck Close uses the grid method

Now, let's practice. Watch the demo in class. Be very clear, this is not about drawing a particular item, it's about training your eye to see more accurately.

If something you draw doesn't look quite right, go back to the square where things look "off" and double check your line length, angles, and where lines cross over into another square. Carefully check your lines and make changes as necessary. You WILL draw accurately if you take the time to do so. Remember, time and practice is the biggest determiner of how well you'll be able to do anything, and that includes drawing.

Value by number

Common language: dividing a photo: value by squares

Value Project 3: reproduce photo of your choice

Creating your grid

Finding and adding contour lines to your grid

Rendering texture