T4 notes 8th grade 20/21

ODD Friday, 3/26

Monday, 3/29 EVEN

ODD Tuesday, 3/30

Wednesday, 3/31 EVEN

4th Hour - 11:30-12:55

ODD Thursday, 4/1

5th Hour - 1:05-2:30


Monday, April 12 EVEN

Tuesday, April 13 ODD

Schedule for Wednesday - Friday

Wednesday, April 14

4th Hour- 10:50-11:45


5th Hour- 12:30-1:25

Thursday, April 15

4th Hour- 10:50-11:45


5th Hour- 12:30-1:25

Friday, April 16

4th Hour- 10:50-11:45


5th Hour- 12:30-1:25


Block 22


  • iteration of logos

  • ideal group member hashtagables

    • pilot reward program

if you are absent: open this doc

    • logo iteration went great--used top choices from WS, one hour for groups

    • hashtagable process took awhile, but worth the time

    • created form, had kids check for revisions, then required each student to leave points for every group member as a pilot. Went well

    • reviewed 404 pages

    • reviewed design matrix and how we'll use it for 404 (only through prototype, not going to test and redo like we did with the logo)

    • brainstormed in groups (4th hour had to do this remotely)

    • chose prototype for individual work in next class

    • remote announced for Wed/Thurs. unexpected

    • use class time to create individual 404 pages based on design matrix and brainstorming

    • 4th hour started after Spring Break having to do the catch up from 5th hour

    • shared Big Read juried items

    • shared MAEA Region 9 selections

    • intro: watercolor work

      • 5th hour got farther than 4th b/c they are the starting block

  • 404 page

    • review

    • create

If you are absent: open this doc

Block 2 Term 4

Work on 404 page. Due at the end of the class.

If you are absent: open this doc

One page agenda

If you are absent: open this doc

4th hour one page agenda

if you are absent: open this link

5th hour one page agenda

if you are absent: open this link

4th hour one page agenda

5th hour one page agenda

One page agenda

Zoom with Worksighted

    • 4th hour--did Big REad and MAEA, then introduced meeting with Worksighted (b/c just got the email)

      • did one watercolor assignment

prepping for color, mixing, painting (for Worksighted and for City + kids have watercolors and I feel like we need to use them)

  • Top three Logos selected

  • Market research for logos

  • present 404 pages

    • 5th hour--checked in, quite a few hadn't finished work from Tuesday

      • giving assignment to try out techniques with watercolor paintings

      • will pause watercolor for WS meeting

    • both groups:

      • as groups, choose best 404 pages and practice elevator pitch

      • dry run through elevator pitches not the hottest. This was really a bit rushed, but...the meeting is tomorrow. Ooops

    • meet with WS

      • announce top logos and process to choose

      • discuss market research--how to find out if your "unique idea" really is unique

      • kids present 404 pages