Step 5: Deposit to Deep Blue

All digital deposits will be deposited into Deep Blue via a batch upload process run by MLibrary staff.  

Collection-Level Description in DeepBlue

The Archivist for Metadata and Digital Curation will create Collections (if necessary) in DeepBlue based on the Resource record in ArchivesSpace. The main landing page for each Bentley collection in Deep Blue will include:

To add or edit information about the collection click on Edit Collection on the left hand menu.

This link will open a new page with text boxes that may be edited:

When manually created collections or editing collection metadata, ensure that all HTML tags and standard conventions (such as the link to the banner image) are included by copying and pasting from the template file located at: C:\BHL\Utilities\deepblue\deposit_text_20190909.txt"  While most of this data entry should be completed by the Archivist for Metadata and Digital Curation when the collection is created, you may need to complete the abstract and biography/history sections.


A collection-level digital object should also be created on the resource in ArchivesSpace.

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Configuring DSpace Spaces and Locations in Archivematica

The Archivist for Metadata and Digital Curation will configure DSpace integration within Archivematica’s Storage Service. A new “DSpace via SWORD v2” Archivematica “space” points to a particular instance of DSpace and an associated service document (which describes the “contract” between a particular user and a repository), a username and password and a DSpace “group” (a kind of entity that can be granted permissions in the authorization system) to be used for restricted metadata. New “locations” on that space (which inherit the same configurations) point Archivematica to particular DSpace collections using the collection’s Handle and a short description (such as the collection title).

Depositing AIPs to DeepBlue

AIPs from Archivematica are deposited to an Item in a DeepBlue Collection. This happens during the "Store AIP" microservice of Archivematica's Ingest process.

Unrestricted items

After confirming that Archivematica should “Store AIP,” the Archivist for Metadata and Digital Curation will select (or preconfigure) the Archivematica location corresponding to the appropriate DSpace collection to which the AIP will be moved.

When the “Store AIP” process begins, Archivematica fetches key bits of descriptive metadata about the AIP from ArchivesSpace, such as:

These bits of information (which are also included in the METS file of the AIP) are used to populate metadata fields on the DSpace item to facilitate searching and browsing within DSpace (and for Search Engine Optimization). Other bits of information, such as the date of publication and a copyright statement, are generated on-the-fly or hard-coded.

AIPs in Archivematica (which, by default, are packaged in accordance to the Library of Congress BagIt specification and whose data directory consists of the METS file for the AIP and three folders: logs, objects and thumbnails) are then repackaged into “objects” and “metadata” packages:

The objects package will be deposited so that it is publicly accessible, while the metadata package will be restricted to Bentley Archivists:

Finally, Archivematica completes the deposit by making use of the ArchivesSpace API to write the Handle of the DSpace item back to the File URI of the linked digital object in ArchivesSpace. For more information on Digital Object, see Digital Objects in the Description section of this manual. This ensures that archivists can manage the locations of collection components, physical and digital, in ArchivesSpace. Don't forget to update the extent in the Resource record!

Restricted Items

Restricted items will be deposited to DSpace by the Archivist for Metadata and Digital Curation. After selecting "BHL AIP storage (prod)" as the "Store AIP" location, the Archivist for Metadata and Digital Curation will deposit the items with the appropriate restrictions.

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Cleaning Up

When processing is completed, navigate to the Backlog tag, perform a search on the accession number and request deletion for the appropriate transfer(s), using "Processed" as the justification. The Archivist for Metadata and Digital Curation will periodically delete these packages (which may contain separated materials) from the transfer backlog.


Deletion requests are final. Please to not sent a deletion request until all associated packages have been separated or deposited to DeepBlue and the collection has been finalized by the Lead Archivist for Collections Management.