University Archives


University records are public records that are generally open to research use once fully processed. However, certain categories of University of Michigan records containing sensitive information will be restricted in accordance with the policies outlined below. 

If you ever have questions about appropriately restricting university records, contact the Assistant Director and Archivist for University History or the Lead Archivist for University Archives.

For instructions on how to create access restrictions in a finding aid, consult the Common Archival Elements page of this site.

Categories of Restricted Records

All sensitive University of Michigan materials that are retained will be restricted until July 1st of a particular year. However, the length of time that material is restricted is dependent on which category it falls into:

University of Michigan collections can have more than one category of restricted materials, as evidenced in the Department of Sociology (University of Michigan) records (public link). Be careful to scan for different kinds of restricted material when processing University of Michigan collections.

Twice a yearshortly after January 1 and July 1the Lead Archivist for Collections Management reviews and  unpublished expired restriction notes in ArchivesSpace.  

Other Considerations

Processor's should also be careful when processing materials related to faculty, students, and alums:

If a processor uncovers information like this, they will likely need to redact it. Consult the Redaction page on this site (public link) for more information. 

Additional Resources

For additional resources relating to restricted material, consult the following resources:


Footnote 1: For the University's definition of what does and does not fall into the category of student records, consult the Office of the Registrar's Student Rights and Student Records (public link) page. Processors may also wish to consult the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (public link) website.