Agents and Subjects

This section provides instructions how to associate, create, and/or merge agent and subject records (a.k.a. access points). In addition:

NOTE: When searching for a particular University of Michigan school or department to add as an agent, type the relevant uniquely identifying information instead of a more generic term (e.g. "University of Michigan). If the processor needs to add the "University of Michigan" agent, search for n79021846 (which is the unique portion of the University of Michigan Corporate Entity's authority ID).


Associating Agents

To associate an agent record, the processor will need to do the following:

If a subdivision is necessary to make a complex authority (e.g., "University of Michigan -- Faculty"):

For example, in the complex record "University of Michigan -- Faculty," the subdivision term is "Faculty" and it is a topical subdivision (based on its Library of Congress subject heading record)

It is also important to note the following:

Creating New Agents (Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies)

Agent records can only be created by users with the appropriate ArchivesSpace permissions.  In the case that the processor needs to create new agents, but lacks the appropriate permissions, please consult with the Lead Archivist for Collections Management.

To create a new agent record, the processor will need to do the following:

At this point, a blank form for that agent type will pop up. The processor will need to complete different fields, depending on the kind of agent they are creating. When the processor has finished creating the agent, make sure to click the "Create and Link to Agent" button.


Dates of Existence sub-records denote when an agent existed.  If the agent's authorized name form includes dates, record them in this sub-record:

Name Forms sub-records denote different forms (e.g., authorized, display, etc.) of an agent that can be recorded. For the most part, agents will have only one name form that will serve as both the authorized and display form of the name. If there have been any updates or changes to the authorized form of a name, consult with the Lead Archivist for Collections Management.


Dates of Existence sub-records are generally not needed for Families. If dates of existence are included in the authorized form or are otherwise necessary, refer to the documentation for Persons.

Name Forms sub-records denote different forms (e.g., authorized, display, etc.) of an agent that can be recorded. For the most part, agents will have only one name form that will serve as both the authorized and display form of the name. If there have been any updates or changes to the authorized form of a name, consult with the Lead Archivist for Collections Management.

Corporate Entity

Dates of Existence sub-records are generally not needed for Corporate Entities. If dates of existence are included in the authorized form or are otherwise necessary, refer to the documentation for Persons.

Name Forms sub-records denote different forms (e.g., authorized, display, etc.) of an agent that can be recorded. For the most part, agents will have only one name form that will serve as both the authorized and display form of the name.  If there have been any updates or changes to the authorized form of a name, consult with the Lead Archivist for Collections Management.

Commonly Added Agents

The following represent a non-exhaustive list of agent records that are commonly added to resource records:

Merging Agents

If there are two or more agents that represent the same person, family, or corporate body, these records should be merged. Merging has the benefit of:

To merge a record:

It is also important to note the following:


Associating Subject Headings

To associate a Subject Heading, the processor will need to do the following:

It is also important to note the following:

Creating New Subject Headings

Subject records can only be created by users with the appropriate ArchivesSpace permissions.  In the case that the processor needs to create new subjects, but lacks the appropriate permissions, consult with the Lead Archivist for Collections Management.

To create a new agent record, the processor will need to do the following:

At this point, a blank form will pop up. The processor will then need to complete several different fields. When the processor has finished creating the subject heading, make sure to click the "Create and Link to Subject" button.

Commonly Added Subjects

The following represent a non-exhaustive list of subject headings that are commonly added to resource records:




Please note that the Bentley does not use "manuscripts" and "correspondence" as access points. Additionally, form subjects can be used for digital versions of physical materials (e.g., the "Photographs" subject heading for physical as well as digital photographs).


Please note that the Bentley does not use "Students -- Ann Arbor -- Michigan" when referring to University of Michigan students.

Merging Subjects

If there are two or more subjects that truly represent the same topic and are from the same source, these records should be merged. Merging has the benefit of:

To merge a record:

It is also important to note the following: