

It is important to note that barcodes for accession and processed boxes are different. Accession barcodes typically have an “ACC” prefix, while those for processed boxes do note have any kind of prefix.

Rolls of barcodes can be found in the cabinets outside of the Bentley Historical Library's project room.

General Workflows

Associating Barcodes with Top Containers (Manual)

To associate a barcode with a top container:

Make sure to also:

Using "Manage Top Containers" to Enter or Update Barcodes (Bulk)

It is not efficient to manually scan barcodes if the archivist has to scan more than 10 top containers. In such cases, it is advised that they use the "Manage Top Containers" feature to rapidly enter barcodes. To do this:

Make sure to also:

Special NCRC Workflows

This section applies to accession boxes at the NCRC that have:

Barcoded Accession Boxes to be Discarded

In cases where the a barcoded accession box will be discarded (and its contents will be separated), the archivist will not reuse the barcode. To discard the top container and barcode, the archivist will:

The top container should be deleted and no longer associated with the accession record. 

The processor should then complete any standard collections management tasks associated with separating material (e.g., creating and filing a separations record) as well as destroy the box itself.

Barcoded Accession Boxes to be Reused

In cases where a barcoded accession box will be retained in the processed collection, the archivist will reuse the barcode. To reuse the box (and barcode), the archivist can do one of the following:

Associating Barcoded Accession boxes with an Archival Object

In cases where a barcoded accession box will be retained in the processed collection and associated with a specific archival object, the archivist will reuse the box and barcode. To do this, the archivist will: