Top Containers

Manual Methods 

(Generally Use For Fewer than 10 Top Containers)

Associating a Pre-Existing Top Container

To associate a pre-existing top container with an archival object or accession:

Creating a New Top Container

To create a new top container for an archival object or accession:

It is also important to note the following:

Deleting a Top Container

Be aware that deleting a top container is permanent and will delete all other references to the top container in other archival objects or accession records.

To manually delete a top container, simply:

Rapid and Bulk Methods (Generally Use For 10 or More Top Containers)

Associating a Pre-Existing Top Container with Multiple Archival Objects using Rapid Data Entry (Processing Archivists Only)

To associate a pre-existing top container with multiple archival object using the Rapid Date Entry (RDE) feature:

Creating Top Containers in Accession Records (Field Archivists Only)

To create several top containers for an accession:

Using "Manage Top Containers" to Bulk Delete Top Containers

It is not efficient to manually delete top containers if deleting a large number of containers. In such cases, the archivist should use the "Manage Top Containers" feature to delete numerous top containers. To do this:

Additional Information: Shared and Child Containers