d. Transfer to Backlog

When an accession includes digital content (whether transferred from removable media or via some other means), it is transferred to Archivematica's backlog in one or more transfers. In Archivematica, a transfer begins the process of transforming any set of digital objects and/or directories into a SIP. Once uploaded to the dashboard, transfers in the Transfer tab run through several micro-services, including:

Transfers are then sent to a managed backlog for storage until they are ready to be retrieved and processed at a later date. They are also noted in the accession record.

Connecting to the Archivematica Staging Area


If you do not have permissions to access bhl-digitalarchive, notify the Archivist for Digital Curation. 

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Using Exactly to Bag and Copy Transfers

Archivists at the Bentley employ Exactly, a tool developed by AVPreserve, to safely transfer born-digital material to the Archivematica staging area. Exactly utilizes the BagIt File Packaging Format and a custom metadata profile to facilitate network transfers.


We use a custom implementation of Exactly; a number of "Deliver" configurations, for example, are set using a "bhl-archivists-exactlyConfiguration" XML file (located at C:\BHL\Utilities\exactly\bhl-archivists-exactlyConfiguration.xml): custom metadata fields, email notifications, etc.


When an accession is more than 50,000 files or 50 GB, break it up into multiple transfers of about that size. The titles of these transfers follow a slightly different convention. Use the Accession ID, but append an underscore and a three-digit sequential suffix (e.g., _001, _002, _003, etc.). The Archivist for Digital Curation can assist you with this process (if needed).

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Cleaning Up

Cleaning up the RMW


The following three steps, Transfer to Archivematica's Backlog, Tracking Transfers in ArchivesSpace and Cleaning Up Archivematica's Transfer Tab will be completed by the Archivist for Digital Curation. You will be notified (via email) once your transfer(s) have successfully made their way to Archivematica's backlog.

In general, this process should take anywhere from a couple days to a week. However, please let the Archivist for Digital Curation know if you need your transfers completed immediately.

Transfer to Archivematica's Backlog

This step will be completed by the Archivist for Digital Curation. Currently, this process is automated using Archivematica's Automation Tools (the instructions below are for those transfers that will be completed manually). The Automation Tools kick off as soon as a transfer is moved from Archivematica's staging area to the relevant transfer directory.


If a transfer fails, the Archivist for Digital Curation will troubleshoot the error.

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Tracking Transfers in ArchivesSpace

This step will be completed by the Archivist for Digital Curation.


At this point, the Archivist for Digital Curation will notify (via email) the archivist that transferred the content from the accession that the transfer completed successfully.

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Cleaning Up Archivematica's Transfer Tab and Transfer Source Location

This step will be completed by the Archivist for Digital Curation.

Cleaning Up the Transfer Tab

Cleaning Up the Transfer Source Location

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