Records Requiring Additional Consideration


The following will require additional consideration from the processor:

Cassette and VHS Tape Appraisal Guide

Appraising Audiocassette and VHS Tapes

Processors can appraise standard audiocassette and VHS tapes using equipment in the Beal building, specifically the VHS tape deck in the Starr Room and the audiocassette tape deck and VHS tape player in the cubicle immediately opposite of room 2507 in the Beal Building. 

It is important to note that the Bentley's standard processing procedure for audiovisual material is to simply catalog it at the item-level using the guidelines described in the Description section of this guide. Additionally, even if the processor decides to review these kinds of tapes during a processing project, not every tape needs to be reviewed (i.e., a sampling approach can be undertaken).

Instead, focus primarily on reviewing those tapes that have blank or ambiguous labels. If the processor has a question about whether a tape should be reviewed or retained, they should consult with the Archivist for Audiovisual Curation.

Appraisal Workflow

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