Locations and Location Profiles

General Recommendations When Selecting Locations

Associating a Locations with Top Container (Manual)

To associate a location with a top container:

Using "Manage Top Containers" to Enter or Update Locations (Bulk) 

It is not efficient to manually associate locations with top containers if more than 10 top containers need to be updated. In such cases, it is advised that the archivist use the "Manage Top Containers" feature to rapidly add or update locations. To do this:

If the archivist plans on updating several top containers, they should make sure to de-select the containers that were just updated!

Creating New Locations and Location Profiles

The Lead Archivist for Imaging and Infrastructure is responsible for creating new locations. Consult with them if it is necessary to create a new location profile.

Locations and location profiles will only rarely need to be created. Additionally, any changes to the physical shelves (e.g. removing a shelf or changing the space between shelves) will throw off the entire location management functionality.