Email newsletter through distribution lists

We have now expanded our range of services to include email-to-email functionality.

You can now send your newsletters through our Distribution Lists, the same lists that have already helped our customers to reach millions of customers, coworkers and partners with SMS messages.

Design you newsletter in a mail client of your choice add pictures, url's and links, then send the mail to the unique email address of the distribution list and automatically the newsletter will be distributed to all the members on the list. A header will be added by our system always containing "View as html", Subscribe" and "Unsubscribe" optional is the possibillity to add a question in the header. This open up more venues for which the newsletter may be used, for instance voting and job offers for temps.

For more information please contact us at,, Scandinavia and Europe +46 (0)8 509 126 00, UK +44-870 733 34 56 and US 1-888-305-1050