Ad Replies

Ad Replies and Competitions

A convenient way of receiving replies on your ads, collect suggestions or sign ups for competitions, is by using keywords and SMS.

The person submitting a suggestion will automatically receive a confirmation that the SMS has been received. The answer as well as the mobile phone number will be delivered to an email address or system. There are several scenarios, here is one;

Your ad for good sausages contains a question, i.e.

” What is the name of our new sausage? Send a text message to 72080, start your message with SAUSAGE followed by your answer, and you get a free sausage packet when you buy three"


See our pricelist for package pricing.

Do you want to try it out? Send us an email.


The standard packages as described above are two powerful ways to manage your loyalty programmes using SMS/text messages at a very low cost.

We understand that you may have other, specific needs. In most cases we can put together a combination of services that will meet your requirements.

All prices excl. VAT

How do I get started?

It is easy; you can be up and running today.

All you need to do is to contact us, by telephone, email or by using the contact web page. We need your contact information as well as info about your company and which services you are interested in. Then we will activate a demo account so that you can test everything before you go live.

With your demo account up and running you have access to all functionality as well as the administrative toolbox where you can create sending lists, pick your keywords as well as monitor all your outbound and inbound text message traffic from your customer club activities. If you have further questions or need help we will be very happy to assist you.

Our support is available 24/7.

Call +46-8-509 126 00 or email