Public Email Address

Its basic function is that of an email address that is used as a gateway to distribute messages to one or more recipients. They may be mobile numbers, landlines, fax numbers or email addresses.

We have clients that use this function to receive SMS notification to their mobile phone that they have gotten an email. And since we allow you to choose how many parts an SMS should consist of (from 1 up to 8) that will allow you to set the functionality of the notification.

1. Create a public email address

In your Toolbox, click Public Email Address in the box Resources

Then click Add at the top of the page

Choose a descriptive name for your public email address and then click Create.

The name you choose will be displayed to the recipients when messages are forwarded.

Your public email address has now been created and assigned a unique email address that always starts with box.xxxx

Anyone can now send emails to this box-address, and the messages will be automatically forwarded to the named recipients.

2. Add recipients

Click the arrow just in front of the name of your public email address and choose Recipients

Recipients are the addresses where any incoming messages are forwarded.

Standard setting is the users own email address.

If you want to forward your messages as SMS, type the mobile number and click Add.

For forwarding to fax, type the fax number.

For forwarding to voice call, put the prefix 999 before the number.

You can add many different recipients here if you want to.

The public email address is now ready to use. All emails sent to the box. address will be forwarded to each named recipient..