Walk-in fridge clean

This is a position that can be done throughout the week, although Sundays and Wednesdays are preferred because produce is delivered the following day.


  1. Toss old or mis/unlabeled food - this includes anything that is over 7 days old, any food that is unlabeled/improperly labelled/without a lid.

  2. Get anything off the floor - such as foods that the dairy delivery drops off on Friday night. Everything should be unpacked and put in its place.

  3. Product rotation to prevent spoilage - when you are stocking the dairy, the oldest dairy should be in the front, and the newest in the back. Same with produce/salad.

  4. Floor clean - Once a week, you should sweep the floor and wash it with degrade degreaser.

  5. Organize food for easy house member access - try to group foods together and tidy up.

  6. Any cardboard that you remove (and you should be removing lots) should be broken down and taken out to the cardboard dumpster.