Home Improvement

What is HI?

Everyone in the house is responsible for doing 4 hours of House Improvement in the Fall and Spring, and 3 hours in the Summer. This is in addition to your workshift requirement. If you don't complete the hours by semester's end, you get fined the workshift rate. Hours DO accumulate, so you can (for example) do 22 hours of HI and owe no more HI for two full years. The maintenance manager runs it and keeps track of it.

Usually an 8 hour project gets bigger results than a 4 hour project due to savings in planning, prep, and practice, so choosing a bigger project and banking your HI hours in encouraged.

You can do HI at any point in the semester, but there is usually a rush to "get in your HI" at the end of the semester, leading to a shortage of ready-to-go projects, and limited availability of the Maintenance Manager to set up new projects.

Do your HI early!