E-mail Lists

We have two main house email lists, and a third for leader communications. These mailing lists are the main way we communicate with each other in the house.

hip_announce is for important official house business. It is mandatory in that if you are ignorant of something posted here, it's no one's fault but your own. Important leader announcements and anything you need to know about will be sent to this list. All members are responsible for reading and understanding information disseminated via this list. Only leaders can post to hip_announce, and they try to use it sparingly and not tax your mandatory attention. Subscribe to this list by sending a blank email to hip_announce+subscribe@lists.berkeley.edu

hip_house is an optional list for all other discussions, and anyone subscribed to it can post. It is used for a lot of house-level discussion--everything from lost keys to organizing social activities to general discussion, and is the best way to keep current with the house. Members can add themselves by sending a blank email to hip_house+subscribe@lists.berkeley.edu. Note: this list includes many former HiP members, and is not limited to current residents.

hip_leaders is an optional list that HiP leaders use to communicate with each other, and the email members can use to contact the entire leadership team. Any member may email the list, and any member may also subscribe to receive the emails sent to the list, so note that it is not private or confidential. Think of this like a "coop C-SPAN" where discussions of policy and practice take place, but only some people really care to hear it. Subscribe by sending a blank email to hip_leaders+subscribe@lists.berkeley.edu.

If you want to send a message to any of these lists, you must send it from the address with which you subscribed, otherwise the message will bounce.

To subscribe/unsubscribe, send a blank email to

you will receive a response with two options like this:



I don't really know why this is the case, but thats how it is.

Optionally, some people like to set up email filters for this stuff. Directions here.

Note: The email lists are managed through the berkeley gmail servers, but a berkeley email address is NOT required.