Welcome to HIP House

New Member Welcome Letter

Greetings new HiP House member, and a very warm welcome to Hillegass-Parker House ("HiP" for short)! 

Your House Manager for Fall 2024 is  Henri Wadsworth (hiphm@bsc.coop) and your House President is Ruby Kosewicz-Strickland (hiphp@bsc.coop).

This website contains information about life at HiP. You’ll find detailed information about room bid policies and procedures, workshift obligations and specific workshift descriptions, house council minutes and parliamentary procedures, and quite a lot more. If you still have questions not covered by the pages in this site, feel free to reach out to a member of the house leadership team or a fellow HiP resident. For manager contact information please see the white board outside of the Main House (MaHo) office/mailroom.

For information related to your contract and/or your membership in the Berkeley Student Cooperative (such as: move-in/move-out dates, rent deadlines, BSC conduct policies and grievance procedures… and so very, very much much more) please check out the BSC Policy Wiki.

To receive up-to-the-minute information and crucial developments regarding your membership at HiP, please be sure to subscribe to the HiP House email lists (for instructions click here).

Critical leader announcements (like when we’re having room bids) are done through hip_announce, and other important but unofficial announcements (like impromptu house social gatherings) are done through hip_house. You are responsible for reading your hip_announce emails, and you will be held responsible for anything contained therein.

Each room at HiP comes furnished with a desk, a chair, a bed, a dresser, and a closet or wardrobe. You’ll need to provide your own sheets — bear in mind that the twin size house beds are extra long, which means they measure  80” in length ("twin XL" and not the standard 75”). Each room is equipped with an ethernet jack and HiP’s wifi is accessible throughout the entire property, (albeit, with varying degrees of strength).

House dinners are served nightly, from Sunday through Thursday, at 7PM during the food delivery period. 



During the day, help yourself to anything you find in the pantry, fridge, or freezer, with the following exceptions:

1) Food in personal bins (they are marked with names)

2) Large cuts of meat, stored on the bottom shelf of the freezer

3) Any food that is labeled as “reserved for dinner” – this is being kept aside for the cooks

4) Any food, anywhere, labeled with someone else's name on it

Feel free to cook and consume anything else you find! If in doubt, ask around— your housemates will help you find spatulas, vegetables, and even your beloved coffee.

Mail sent to you should be addressed to:

2545 Hillegass Avenue

Berkeley CA 94704-2913

If you expect mail to arrive at this address before you move in, please let us know.

Finally, note that smoking and vaping (of any substance) are prohibited within 20 feet of all buildings. Only during inclement weather is smoking/vaping near the Carriage House permitted.

** Nostalgic for the old wiki? Check out archived versions of the now-defunct hip.wikispot.org website via the Internet Archive's WayBack Machine.