Pantry Clean
In addition to performing all tasks below once per week, the workshifter should do a bit of maintenance each day.
Remove any scoops from the pantry, whether they are inside or outside the plastic bins. Put them in the dishroom for cleaning.
Open bags of dry goods are also a huge fail. They attract rats. People should be putting bags straight into bins, but laziness sets in a lot of times. So, if you see any bags, no matter how big or small (like fruits and nuts, flour, oats, etc) then put them in a clear plastic bin with a clear label
Stray bits of food that fall from the top to the bottom shelf are also a problem cuz they attract rats. What I do is take the blue/red/green lids off of any bins that have debris on them and then replace them with clean ones from the dishroom. Be sure to rinse off the dirty ones and remove any labels to make the dishwasher's job easier
Make sure the lids are on tight. Loose, askew, missing lids are another huge rat issue. Make sure all of the lids are fitting properly.
Organize the bins so that they look nice - that they are all in a row and the labels are pointing out. This takes like 2 minutes and helps add to the overall clean look of the pantry
Consolidate the bins if you need to - for example, if there are 2 containers of yellow lentils that can now fit into one, or if something can go into a smaller container, that is fine too. Although, if there is a staple (like white rice, brown rice) go ahead and leave that large container in there mostly empty. That way i will see it and remember to reorder the next time.
Some shelves look a little gnarly. if you see gunk on them, wipe them down. You need to remove the bins under them first (so the bins don't get dirty). If you are doing this during the day, do not put the bins on the floor. If the inspector sees stuff on the floor it is a total fail.
Sweep up any stuff on the floor.
Make sure the lids on the plastic containers are clean, i.e., there is no stray sugar, cereal, or gunk on them, and make sure the lids are tight. Get rid of empty boxes/containers.
Throw out food that is going bad, both in common areas and in the personal food section. (Check expiration dates.) Make sure all containers are sealed!