
Hi Everyone, welcome to Workshift Summer 2021! I'm in the process of updating this page after years of neglect. Some of the information is out of date; however much of it is still very useful/pertinent. Please reach out if any of confusing, have suggested edits, or not sure if some of the information is still correct!

Front Page (BSC Workshift Website)

Workshift Policy Summer 2021

Humor Shift Calendar (sign up for two mandatory 1 hr Fri/Sat dish/pots shifts for workshift credit.)

Suggestion Box (suggestions can be anonymous)

HiP House Calendar View/Add (meetings, workshops, events, and more)



The bathrooms (like all common space) require both respectful use and dedicated cleaning shifts.

Bathroom clean


Full Dinners M,T,W,Th,Su

Normal house dinners are on Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, & Sun night. Best place to meet your housemates!

Dinner is served at 7.


Informal Dinners ("Leftover Hero") F

Informal dinners on Fri have a smaller crew and usually smaller attendance, with a focus on easy, low-impact cooking and reclaiming leftovers.

Cooks start at 5 and dinner is served at 7.

Team Tasty

These cooking shifts are for making(/picking up) mass quantities of a single item to be used throughout the week.

Bagel Bandit



Dishes & Pots

About 20% of workshift hours are dish shifts, so everyone does dishes sooner or later.

Dishes & Pots

Post Lunch Dishes & Pots

Post-dinner Dishes & Pots

Morning Pots


Entropy is a measure of the disorder in a system. The 2nd law of Thermodynamics states that entropy always increases.

Extropy is a measure of order in a system. Here at HiP we tell the laws of physics to sit down and shut up by assigning workshifts to increase order.

These are "putting stuff in order" shifts. Therapeutic to anal-retentive types.

Mail Sorter & Forwarder

Spices/refill czar


Actually all thoroughfare & small common spaces. This includes vacuuming, but also making sure our hallways are clear of "junk" (and, incidentally, conforms to fire code!).

Hallways and foyers

Heroic Cleaning

These are jobs you don't want to wear you nice clothes to do.

Nothing is sexier than a fearless, hardworking cooper.

Intensive trash and compost (kitchen and bathroom bins)

Kitchen floor clean

Intensive Kitchen Clean (IKC)

Light Cleaning

OK, you're still a hero, but expect fewer epic ballads about your exploits. These cleaning shifts won't make You dirty.

Basement Clean

Carriage House

Dining area clean

Dining area mop

Free pile

Laundry room

Living + Dining room

Office and guest room

Roof, patios, walkways (outdoor common spaces)

Towel-wash & mop head clean

Dish room wall clean

Kitchen Clean

These shifts make the kitchen a glittering paragon of hygiene and tasty times, and a desolate wasteland to germs.

Kitchen Clean (All times of day)

Manager Appointed

While the Workshift Manager assigns most workshifts, some managers get full-time helpers that they choose themselves.

If these look like something you'd like to do, start sucking up to the appropriate manager. Manager email links are below:

Habitability Hobbit

Garden Gnome

Kitchen Assistant

Maintenance Crew


These Maverick, free-spirited shifts defy all categorization.

Dinner put-away

Minutes taking

Walk-in clean

Glass case

Pantry clean

Dish dry and put-away

Noon rescue dish/pots/kitchen clean