Kitchen Clean (All Times of Day)

Remove food, cutting boards and dishes from all kitchen counters and stove. Throw out food sitting on the counters and has likely been left in the warm air for too long to eat safely. (Talk to your KM or WM if you are unsure what these items are). Put away all spices/oils/stock food items. Place dishes, cutting boards, knives, etc. into the appropriate sinks in the dishroom. Please rinse off all items you place in the dishroom.

Wash all counters with a soapy sponge first and then wipe dry. Sanitize with sani-quats solution. Fill spray bottle from the sanitizer hose on the pots sink. This sanitizer is food safe. This includes counter surfaces around and underneath the coffee machine and appliances.

Wipe down appliances (including the big Hobart mixer by the refrigerator) and refrigerator/freezer handles. Clean inside the microwave. Wipe down the kitchen computer keyboard.

Take both green compost bins and empty into the compost dumpster in front of the house (by the driveway between SoHo and MaHo, on Hillegass) if they are more than 50% full. If needed, out the bins till all food residue is gone using the hose on the opposite side of the driveway from the dumpsters. Put in a new compost bag liner, located in the supply closet

Empty hard plastic bins, glass and other recyclables into respective larger bins in the backyard (by the south side of MaHo) if they are more than 75% full (talk to your WRM if you don't know where these bins are). Spray out these bins with the hose if they seem dirty, but please let them dry to avoid mold growth.

Break down all cardboard boxes and chuck in cardboard dumpster next to the driveway (again, by the driveway between SoHo and MaHo, on Hillegass).

If more than 75% full, dump garbage/trash can in garbage/trash dumpster next to driveway.

Sweep the floors and clean up spills.

Spray out, scrub with salt and heat dry cast iron that has been left dirty on the stove. Oil to re-season as needed.

For POST-LUNCH, POST-DINNER (1hrs credit): Follow all steps above.

For PRE-BREAKFAST kitchen clean (0.5hrs credit), Morning Maniac (1.5hrs credit), or Mid-Day Maniac (1hrs credit) only:

If you do not have time, skip cleaning the cast iron and taking out the hard and soft plastic bins.

If you have extra time in the hour you can wipe down cabinets, empty crumbs from toasters, make sure there are no scoops left in the dry goods bins, clean floor drains as needed, organize oils' shelf, clean the coffee machine, clean under and around the grease bucket and worm bins, throw away questionable old sponges, clean the shelves and racks in the pantry and fridges, etc.

SUPPLIES: Supplies for this shift can be found in the cabinets and drawers to the right of the stove. Towels for this shift can be found soaking with Food Safe Sanitizer in a metal container next to the Vitamix Blender. Sponges used for this shift should not have been previously used to clean the stove. This is of importance since the stove cleaning supplies are stored in the same location. Stove cleaning supplies will have a black-ish oily residue on them and should not be used elsewhere. Extra towels etc can be found in the dishroom and other supplies in the cabinet in the music room. If you are unsure about the cleanliness of a sponge, microwave it for 2 minutes or get a new one.

SAFETY: As with all kitchen shifts, closed toed shoes are required. Wear gloves during this shift. There are nitrile gloves (the really thin ones) in the drawer to the right of the stove and elbow height washing gloves in the dishroom in a crate underneath the pots sink. Wearing both is encouraged. Be careful not to burn yourself when handling items on the stove.


    1. use a clean sponge, or choose a used one and get it wet, and microwave it for 2 minutes to help sanitize it before use

    2. clear all pots and dishes and cutting boards and utensils out of the kitchen and into the dish room.

    3. put away/throw away left over food

    4. get a bucket of hot soapy water and the sponge and scrub all counters down with plenty of soapy water- the counters should get wet

    5. rinse / wipe soapy water off, (ok to squeegee counters with dish counter squeegee)

    6. sanitize counters (spray with chemical kitchen sanitizer labeled safe for food prep surfaces and follow directions on the bottle-usually no rinsing required. (this is not a light spray and wipe operation)

    7. wipe down frequently touched areas such as appliance handles as well as freezer/walk-in/glass case handles, computer keyboard, and light switches with sanitizer.

    8. wipe down appliances, clean out microwave, and empty toaster crumbs.

    9. dump compost cans into compost dumpster if 50% full and if none are at 50%, dump the fullest one. rinse out the can(s).

    10. dump garbage/trash can if 50% full.

    11. empty recycle cans (glass, foil, aluminum, hard plastic) into larger cans in yard if 75% full and if none are at 75%, dump the fullest one.

    12. bring cardboard out if 75% full as well.

    13. refill hand soap and paper towels when needed.

    14. sweep up/clean up large debris/spills on floor.

    15. clean out and season cast iron pots.

    16. Morning Maniac will refill the bin with the sanitized towels next to the rice cooker. Fill with food safe sanitizer(pink hose in the dish room). Always replace with towels never rags. Rags are nasty.