Intensive Trash and Compost

1.5 hours credit

    • Dump any trash and compost in the appropriate dumpsters. This includes the recycling, cardboard, and the soft and hard plastic bins in the kitchen and the Main House hallway outside the mail room.

    • Using the garden hose, rinse out the trash and compost cans. Use dish soap or degreaser to clean them out. Rinse again. Spray with degreaser if they are particularly smelly. Allow to dry.

    • Line the bottoms of compost cans with either newspaper or regular office-type paper (this makes it easier to clean out the next time, since stuff doesn’t stick) . Reline compost bins with compostable green bags.

    • Reline the garbage cans. Replace everything in the appropriate location in the kitchen and hallway.

    • Clean one green bathroom compost bin each week. Clean each one once before cleaning any of them a second time.