Viewing Older Flash Videos in Online Classes

Enabling Flash Player in Chrome

You may need to enable the Flash Player in Google Chrome to view some videos in online classes. If you see a message that says "Adobe Flash Player is blocked", follow these instructions.

Most of the videos posted in Biola's online classes use newer HTML5 standards. However, there are a few classes with older video that still use an Adobe Flash Player to display videos. These videos will typically not work on mobile devices, and Biola plans to replace these videos soon.

Until then, to view these videos, you will need to turn on the Flash player within Google Chrome and watch the videos on a laptop. Here are instructions:

  • Go to chrome://settings/content/flash in your browser
  • Find the "Block sites from running Flash" setting and click it to change to "Ask first"

Once you change the setting, go back to the page with the video and refresh. You should now see a message saying "Click to enable Adobe Flash Player" click it, then click "Allow" in the pop-up window. You will now be able to view the video.

Details About Flash Player

Most modern web browsers have announced that they will stop supporting Adobe Flash within browser windows. For example, in July 2019, Google Chrome changed the default so that Adobe Flash is disabled by default (rather than enabled by default). For a time, it will still be possible to specifically enable Adobe Flash, as described above. However, at some point in 2020, Chrome will stop allowing you to override this default.

If you're reading this after 2020, there will be no way for you to watch those videos. Contact your teacher to tell them this.

Here are some more details: Article About Flash Disappearing in Chrome