End of Semester

These are some instructions for teachers regarding the end of the semester.

Students Lose Access on the Last Day

After the last day of the semester, students can no longer participate in your course (submit documents, post discussions, etc.) and will see the class as read-only. Teachers and TAs have about 10 days after the last day to view the class.

You should not allow any students to turn in anything after the last day of the semester. According to the Registrar's policy their grade is supposed to reflect only work that is done by the end of the term. Occasionally, exceptions are made by the Vice Provost for a Report Delay. See Course Dates for more details.

Students with a Report Delay

If you have a student with an officially-approved Report Delay, and you want that student to have access to submit assignments on Canvas, you must change the dates of the course to extend past the end of the semester. To do this, go to "Settings," change the "Ends" date, be sure to check the box underneath that date that says "Users can only participate in the course between these dates," (otherwise the date will not take effect) and click the "Update Course Details" button. See Course Dates for more details.

Turning in Final Semester Grades

Within five business days after the end of the semester, teachers are required to submit final grades to the Registrar's Office through the My Account page at https://myaccount.biola.edu - see Uploading Grades for detailed instructions.

Missing Grades on Canvas

If a student is missing an assignment at the end of the semester, you should enter a zero for that assignment. On Canvas, a blank score is different than a score of zero. A blank score doesn't count for or against a student's final grade. A score of zero will lower a student's final grade.

You could also choose to "Treat Ungraded as 0" from the menu at the top-right of the Gradebook:

Menu screenshot - treat as zero

If a grade is missing because you accidentally deleted it, you can use the "View Grading History" to see what it used to be.

Questions about Student Access

If a student claims to have turned in something but you cannot find it on Canvas, or if you need to know what parts of Canvas a student has seen, you can go to the "People" section and click on a student's name. From there, click on "Access Report" to view when a student last viewed different parts of your class:

screenshot showing "Access Report" button

(The other buttons may be of interest, too)

If you need more detailed information about a student's activity on Canvas, contact Matthew Weathers.

Checking for Plagiarism with Turnitin

Normally, you would set this up before the semester begins, and have students' paper automatically get checked (for more details see Turnitin Assignments). However, if you have some papers that didn't get checked, you can use the Turnitin.com website to check.

First, download the papers to your computer (from email or from Canvas, however you received them). Next, log in to your Turnitin.com account at https://turnitin.com - Canvas automatically creates an account for you on that site the first time you create a Turnitin assignment. However, if you've never logged in to the site directly (vs through Canvas), you will need to first create a Turnitin assignment (to create the account) and then use the "Forgot your password" link to get direct access to your account.

Once you've logged in, you can go to your class (or create one), and create an assignment, then upload papers to that assignment to be checked. See the Turnitin Instructor QuickStart Guide for more details.

CampusLabs / IDEA Center Surveys

These surveys are not connected to Canvas. (Though you could post a link on Canvas.)

Faculty link: https://biola.campuslabs.com/faculty - for setting objective, extra questions, and viewing results

Student link: https://biola.campuslabs.com/courseeval - for filling out surveys

Students will automatically be reminded by email to fill out their surveys.

Getting Ready for Next Semester

Students will not have access to a future class until about one week before the term begins, and even then you must "Publish" the course before it's visible to them. See Course Dates for more details.