How to Use Course Analytics

Uses of Course Analytics

Teachers and TAs can view a variety of analytics and activity reports that can help them see if a student is falling behind or not participating. This is especially important for online classes and classes taught remotely.

We recommend that teachers regularly check these reports and quickly follow up with students who are falling behind or failing to participate in the course, especially at the very beginning of the term.

Course Analytics Page

From the home page of a course, click the "View Course Analytics" button:

This will display a page of summary analytics which show student engagement as a bar graph, with pageviews per week. Next is a list of all assignments, showing proportions of students turning each assignment on time (green), late (yellow), or missing (red). A list of average scores for each assignment follows. At the bottom is a list of all students, which you can sort by name, number of pageviews, number of participations, or total score.

Analytics for Individual Students

Click on "People" in the left navigation menu to view the course roster, which includes the date and time of each student's last activity and the total time spent in the course.

You can click on a student's name in this roster to bring up a sidebar panel with some summary information and some links to more details, which looks like this:

From that sidebar, you can click on their name (1) for more details, the mail icon (2) to send a message, the Grades button (3) or the Analytics button (4) for more information. Click on "Access Report" (5) to see when the student last accessed specific course material or assignments. Here's a sample Access Report: