
Canvas has a series of documentation web pages about using groups. (Read those for full details, starting here: What are Student Groups?)

These pages here have an abbreviated summary of some of the common tasks and suggested uses:

For Students: Creating and Using Groups

If your instructor has set up groups in a course, there are several ways to access that group:

  • Use the "Courses & Groups" menu at the top of a Canvas page
  • Group Discussions: your instructor may have designated a discussion topic as a "group discussion." Clicking on the topic takes you to the group.

When you visit a group page or a group discussion, you actually leave the course and go to a group site. (Which functions a lot like a course with some limitations). Notice that you can tell if you are in a course page or in a group page by looking at the words underneath the logo in the top left of the page:

In addition to using groups your instructor has set up, you may be able to create your own groups (if the instructor has the "People" navigation link visible in your course.) For details, see the official Canvas documentation about groups here: Groups for Students.