EBD Empathy Map


Directions: For this quest, you are going to take what you are learning about students with emotional behavioral disorders in Chapter 8 to build a better understanding of what a student with EBD may be facing. You will take your learnings from Chapter 8 to:

  1. Describe 3 bullets of what a student with EBD may be seeing

  2. Describe 3 bullets of what the student may be thinking

  3. Describe 3 bullets of what the student may be hearing

  4. Describe 3 bullets of what the student may be saying or doing.

  5. Describe what is causing them pain.

  6. Describe the function to the behavior.

Post your completed empathy map on the discussion board.

Hint** You could complete this on Josiah.**

XP Earned for this Quest: 125XP

Scooby Snacks Earned for this Quest: 15

Link to Quest

EBD: Empathy Maps

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