Accommodation Station


Over the last 7 weeks we have learned a lot about the different disability categories and we learned about creating SMART IEP goals. 

This week is all about accommodations which are changes that you can make to the physical environment or to the content or skills to help give more access to the general education curriculum. There are two different types of accommodations: adaptations and modifications. Although these words are used interchangeably with accommodations, they actually have a different meaning. Adaptations specifically reference the changes to the physical environment to provide an individual with more access. For example, sitting up in the front of the classroom, having directions repeated, graphic organizer provided, powerpoint slides provided on paper, taking more frequent breaks, not having the fluorescent lights on...these are all changes to the physical room to make it more accessible. 

Modifications on the other hand are changes to the content or skills that are taught. So for example, direct instruction in reading, transition curriculum, life skills mathematics, etc. these are all separate from the general education curriculum that the students could receive and designed to help supplement (not fully replace) the general education curriculum. 

Your mission for this individual quest is to learn about a student through their present levels (could be the same student that you wrote the IEP goals on) and you need to create at least 3 adaptations to the environment and 2 modifications that would help the student have more access to the general education curriculum. 

Using a similar template to last weeks' quest, you will do the following: 

Link to video

IEP Walk Through.mp4

Link to Quest

SED 201 Accommodation Station.docx

Ready to Submit Quest?