Player Backstory


Now that we have you onboarded, let's get to know you as a player in our gaming community. Gaming communities are often a tight knit group that encourage and challenge each other to become the best they can be within the game. That is our goal within this course. We have students of all academic rank from first semester freshmen to final semester seniors in our course this semester. This often means, you may not know many people in this course.
Let's change that through our first quest. We need to get to know a little about your backstory. We all come to class without unique interests and stories to tell. I want to hear them all!
Your mission for this quest is to establish rapport with your classmates and sleuth squad. Select and make a copy of one of the slides below to tell us about yourself. Then go to and upload a short 3 minute video about yourself. Comment on at least 5 classmates videos.
Deger Get To Know Me Slides

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