EDflix docuseries


This quest requires your Sleuth Squad to collaborate to create a Netflix Docuseries about the different reasons that brought about special education into what it is today. You will need to carefully plan out a five episode docuseries that focuses on the content that we learned about in Chapter 2 of our Guidebook (textbook). Think about what is the theme you want to convey in this docuseries.

Use the following Template to create your Docuseries for your team. There are example slides at the end of template to help give you some inspiration.

Here are the main tasks to complete this quest:

  1. Create a Who's Watching Page - Who do you think would be interested in watching this docuseries?

  2. Docuseries Title Page - Create a Title Page with an overall summary of what your docuseries is going to be about. Make it catchy and appealing for your audience to watch.

  3. Episode Page - Break down the content of your docuseries into five (5) episodes, each with its own brief summary of the episode. You will also need to include related films, resources, locations, etc. that they may be interested in.

  4. Search Page - What are the top terms and images that pop into your head when thinking about special education and how it came to be.

As you plan this out with your squad, think about how you could use each other's assets (what your strengths are) to complete this quest.

XP Value: 250 XP

Scooby Snacks Earned by Completing this Quest: 25

Sample Netflix Docuseries Template

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