IEP Goal Writing


For the last 6 weeks, we have focused on different neurodivergent or physically divergent abilities, the characteristics of them, and the educational supports that are most supportive for them to succeed in school. This week in addition to learning about two other categories, we also are learning about the IEP document itself. IEPs are the legal binding document from a school district and the family about the educational services the student will provide. Watch Dr. Deger's two brief videos about the first half of IEP and goal writing and give the goal writing a try based on one of the following case study students.

1. Watch the First half of IEP video and Goal Writing Video. 

2. Choose a case study student's IEP and read their present levels. Identify their strengths and needs. 

3. Create 2 SMART goals and 2 short term objectives that would address the student's needs. 

4. Submit to the dropbox on D2L. 

Videos to Watch

PTI First Sections of IEP.mp4
PTI Part 2 IEP Goals & Goal Writing.mp4
IEP Walk Through.mp4

Link to Quest

SED 201 IEP Goal Writing Quest.docx

Link to Case Study Students

Sam's Present Levels.docx
Tasha's Present Levels.doc
Tasha's Present Levels.doc
Tommy's Present Levels.docx

Ready to Submit your Quest?