Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope Quest


For many individuals with cognitive and neurological needs, communication and self-expression can be challenging...especially when they want to talk about their future plans. Many people are invested in a child's transition to life after high school, and everyone wants to have a say. There is a process called Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) plan which uses pictographic representations of the hopes, dreams, and goals that they have for the individual.

Use the template below to create your own PATH plan as a squad (this can be done individually (each person creates their own plan) or collectively (one path but everyone adds their own drawings to it) or draw your own template using the layout from the video. Use words, doodles, pictures, and phrases to describe your future plans including the right now all the way to your own personal North Star.

After you have completed your own PATH plan, reflect about what you learned about yourself and your future plans. You can use the following questions to help springboard your reflection:

  1. What was it like completing the PATH plan?

  2. How did it make you feel about your future?

  3. How might this process help an individual with IDD and their family open a conversation about what future the individual would like?

XP earned by completing this Quest: 400XP

Scooby Snacks earned by completing this Quest: 40

Link to the template

PATH Template.pdf

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