Sketchnote - Information Processing Model


Did you know that when we read, we often only retain about 20% of what we had read? If we write it down, we can recall more but still only about 50%. However, when we actively create something new to represent our learning and share it with others, we can recall almost 75% or more!

So in Chapter 1 of our guidebook, we were introduced to the information processing model (which we will see throughout this summer course) in Figure 1.1. For this quest, your squad will create your own interpretation of the information processing model. This means I do not want to see just a repeat of the figure in the book, no, I want to see what you envision when you read about this model. Paint your own picture in your mind of how we, as humans, take in information, process it, and then respond to it. Once you have that in your imagination, I want you to create it, either with paper and pen (sketchnoting) or through other mediums (play dough, legos, k'nex, Minecraft, etc.).

Not sure what sketchnoting is? Take a look at this video to give some context.

Once you have finished your sketchnote, share the image here and then post a little flipgrid describing how you created your sketchnote.

XP Earned By Completing this Quest: 125 XP

Scooby Snacks Earned by Completing this Quest: 20 Scooby Snacks.

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