The Students' "Experimental Performance Evening"

Post date: Feb 28, 2011 4:59:02 PM

Last night, we went to City Center on the 6th Floor where the Ballet Arts studio is located. The 4 of us which we met at Reni Mimura's performance are here for a reason. Of course Reni in the monthly maid cafés and shows did say that you are here to meet new "angels" this is it meant I heard on 02/20/11. And there are times where this site uses the PoVTC policy but it is no longer the issue. 4 of us like the same person. Meaning like all of us like Chieli and Fuyuko (Myu). But I do not know all other dancers here. If we like the same person, then we should call ourselves the "Myu" fan club or some other name. I was hoping that at least Merry from the Moemiru group at least join us or Chieli and Myu. There are only 4 of us which make us all men liking the same woman.

The SUNPROJECT choreography styles and performances are amazing. All women doing a goob job. Including Chieli.

There are singers in this event as well. This is Masami Ishibashi. I don't really know her much but she sings and dances.

Another singer is Meeke Mutter.

And Eriko Ito. I was saying "WHOA" when I see her. Singing in a classical vocal voice. Way to go Eriko.

Many other dancers are quite suprising. This male dancer really showing his "ninja" style.

And of course, more of these female dancers are showing quite an amazing perfomance.

From left to right, Yuko Ikeshita, Masami Ishibashi and Fuyuko Nakamura. These 3 are tap dancing. Of course this is the same performance as it did on the last one. That's the whole reason why I'm here because I'm supporting Fuyuko Nakamura. 3 of them are doing a excellent job. It's really hard to recognize Fuyuko because her hair is too short.

All of us men having a good time there. Afterwards we meet and greet our favorite people. Including Chika Hanioka. I didn't really study Chika as a dancer but that's one of those things I never knew about. If possible, I will be meeting Fuyuko again on Friday night because I really like her the most. But it costs $20 after Fuyuko gave us all flyers for her upcoming event and I want to be there.

Pics of me and Fuyuko and Chieli are in the Personal Stuff in Insectduel's Gallery section.


The photos in this blog is taken and copyrighted by Jefferies Herrera of Facebook. Used with permission. Insectduel's Domain does not claim these photos as his own but loves to use them for an entry blog.