Friday night dance

Post date: Mar 6, 2011 11:04:46 PM

Do you remember WWE Smackdown that comes on regular channels, I used to watch it. Now is on ScFy, I can't afford to watch it. And way, us 4 people which showed up in different times, I showed up third. And we should be calling ourselves the "Myu Four" well the club name is the working title but we don't need it. All 4 of us were on the event called "Oriental Spectacular 春 Spring" which took place at the Lafayette Grill & Bar.

After the pay our money, we have two colored tickets. The red ticket is for a free saké and other yellow ticket is the raffle ticket. The yellow one is some kind of a game but you get a free bottle of saké and others. And I never drink that crap because I am not an alcoholic. Only 1 out of 3 people that actually drink.

This is the saké. Of course it's made from different ingredients.

Yeah, I mean that person! John.

The event started a bit late but for me, I had no idea since I never been to those dance events before.

Of course, we had a purpose of coming there, to see Fuyuko Nakamura perform. She is NOT one of the belly dancers but she is doing Jazz dance. 2 of us thought that she is going to belly dance and I'm the one had no clue but it's because we all read her Facebook status saying that she's not. Of course, we watched it and it turned out beautifully.

Many of the Japanese females were belly dancing in different styles.

Nahoko Sugiyama

You will enjoy her soft, waterlike, floating dance style! She is really passionate and determoined, and very very bright!

Lale Sayoko

Lale dances very beautifully which you can never get your eyes off! Her passion, earthy energy, and authentic creativity will always make people WOW!!


She is really talented in many types of dance style and could mesmorize many types of people! Her soft charming girlish personality really tranfer into her dance and never make people to take thier eyes off! Because you can't really miss this girl!

Kazumi Nazihah

Beautiful feminin dancer who will come all the way from Japan this night!!! She will mesmorize everyone of you with her spiritual deep conforting dance!


Very very charming bright attractive dancer who is exploring herself in many kinds of dance form besides bellydance! She is very caring kind and thoughtful inside but her dance style is really passionate and so energetic! This opposing site is always ammuses the audience!

Kashimi Asai

Very talented Contemporary dancer who dances beautifully. She will be contributing her artistry through her choreography which is definitely going to entertain evryone!

and finally

Rhia Sueyoshi

Although it's my first time seeing her but she made the crowd GO WILD! Sad news is that she will be leaving March 10th.

I did have a good time talking to the dancers after the show ended. New photos are added to the gallery. But I got home safely even though the metrocard messed me up. Otherwise I would have stuck in manhattan. This Saturday, I will go SpringFest NY 2011. To enter, YOU MUST go to SpringFest's website and register to get your free ticket from eventbrite. The admission is free but there are many performers and events.