The October Maid Show - Part 4

Post date: Oct 29, 2010 4:26:47 PM

Continuing on after the Moe Moe Nyanken game and the Itome song, one of the craziest moments for this month. The D.N.A song. Instead of the usual hand holding, we been doing all kinds of things. Moving hands left and right, dancing with another, moving forward and back, I mean it was crazy and unexpected. What else?

Then the usual last song, Shining Star which can be heard on your Sakura CD. But the make heart part can be done on stage. After the song ended, freestyle dancing. I didn't usually dance I like I did in high school but I did show 'em that I cannot do. I was making moves that I couldn't barely do within 5 years but I am doing the best as I can. It was worth my own effort.

Before leaving, I had to take a few pics to be added in my gallery section of my webpage. Myself along with Chieli and the new maid Yukari. You can view these pics in the Japanese writing text on "Albums involving Reni Mimura" link.

You may notice me wearing the bandana, that is because I brought these from Reni's booth where Mako Kinjo is standing. And also the magnet behind me in the freezer door. Me and Mako and a conversation before I buy these products. And this bandana should be worn at the next event. It's my new Japanese tradition. I always thought that Mako Kinjo is a lovely girl. And I most likely to greet handshakes for being appreciated with her.

The next Japanese Maid Show & Maid Café will taken place November 20th Saturday 12PM at the 2nd Floor of Amber Asian Cuisine. I am still pending where I go there or not because I am currently thinking about it due to budget limitations. If I have enough money for both Reni's and Colors dance performance, then I may go to both events in the same month. You can visit for details or visit the "Meet Insectduel" page in 3 languages at the main webpage and only is to be announced wherever I go or not will be displayed. Another way is to visit Insectduel's Board and view Reni's upcoming events posted by "Copy Reni".

That's the whole blog based on Sunday's maid show. And please stop supporting Chiko if you dislike his game so much!
