I'm good with the ladies

Post date: Jun 13, 2010 1:47:56 PM

People often know me because I've been seeing the same lady several times. Man, I'm good! I respect and treat women like a true gentleman. Even if I don't know them but some of them already know me too well. But I still need a Japanese woman for relationships.

Japan Block Fair


When: Sun Jun 13 10 12:00 PM

Where: Japan Block Fair, Broadway between 85th & 86th Street, New York, NY, US

Details: Reni's Cosplay Cafe "Moe Moe Honey" will open!!

Experience a wide range of Japanese food and products, from traditional one-of-a-kind Japanese cuisine to super modern products. From the main stage, the vibrations of Japanese cosplay (costume play) performance and games, exotic dance, punk rock bands, kids’ drums, and more activities!

#1 Train to 86th Street

#4, #5 and #6 Train to 86th Street

C Train to 86th Street

Insectduel is going to the Japanese Cosplay event next Sunday

Reni's Japanese Maid Show

Sucessfully sold my cellphone at the 207th street pawn shop near the #1 train. That pawn shop solds cell phones SIM for the price you needed. I got the admission fee to enter. I want to do something in my life.

I hope you romhackers including Googietoons and kujakiller is planning to go to NYC and meet me at the cosplay event next sunday.

F Train to Essex St - Delancey St Station

Mets VS. Yankees

The subway series is back this Friday and Saturday at 7:00PM. Of course, I'm watching it on TV but only on Saturday. I am a Yankee fan which means the Bronx bombers. Sunday is to be announced.

#4, B (Weekdays Rush hours only) and D Train to 161 Street and River Avenue at Yankee Stadium.

#7 Train to Mets - Willets Point