Downtown Events

Post date: Aug 22, 2011 7:44:01 PM

Last Saturday, I went in some bar located in Bowery between 1st and 2nd streets where the dancers perform. Watching them is quite fun!

Then yesterday, I went to Japan Block Fair. At the Japan Block Fair, there were a lot events going on. There were great Japanese food to taste, selling products such as Japanese merchandise, arts, crafts and many more. INCLUDING SWIMSUIT CONTEST!

Photo taken by Jefferies.

I was one of those people in the swim/bathing suit/trunks contest trying to impress the ladies but my best but did not go to the final 5. I showed up my singing talent but it's not good enough.

This year, Reni Mimura made the stage more fun than ever! Otome perhaps!

Because I've been on a gaming project instead of singing practice. I may sing up to 2 songs. Which is pretty sad! And Reni's Maid Show is also taken place on a Saturday in Flushing. For more info, visit