Life at the maid show - Part 4 (Final)

Post date: Sep 24, 2010 10:17:24 PM

Final blog is about the aftermath of the show.

All photos are taken by Jefferies Herrera and also Carlos Alonso.

In over a decade, I used to go to school dances at Henry Hudson in the Bronx. I've been dancing with girls and sometimes to myself. It was a fun experience back then and most girls respected me. Then at Samuel Gompers High School, I wanted to be popular and I saw one of them crazy dance. So I decided to do the same thing to myself. People gained their trust from me and it is sad too. Some of them tried to embarass me but it didn't work. I don't play around with jokers.

Okay so this is the part where everyone do freestyle dancing after "Shining Star" from one of Reni's songs. And is always the last one. I wanted to show some moves and dance around on stage. But it can never get tired. Well, the important part is to enjoy yourself.

Things isn't always easy when it comes to buying something I need. I have the remaining $7 and buying something from the booth isn't easy for me. With that, I brought the buttons to attach to calendars or your clothes for $2, then $5 for a Reni Mimura poster. Since I can't go home emptyhanded, I let Reni Mimura herself wrote in the poster I brought. SWEET! Although I was originally going to buy the "Sakura" CD but I can have someone buy it for me online or wait til next month. Reni's Photo Book is really expensive so I should take my time buying. By the way, the CD is $10 so it wasn't enough. It's not about the CD, as long I buy any of Reni's Merchandise to keep in my own homes.

That concludes my blog, I will post my autographed poster in the gallery section very soon. Because I lost the USB Data Cable, I can no longer post anything from the cellphone. More pics are expected to be find by the Insectduel's Domain team members.