DBZ Kai Part 2 at Insectduel's Playlist

Post date: Nov 13, 2010 10:09:17 PM

Dragon Ball Z Kai - Part Two

Remember, Insectduel cannot provide any links to any .MP4, .MOV, .FLV downloads or links to any sites where you can watch them. However, I did show you Dubbinz on my last blog just for uncut fans that actually watch it. Also, please support FUNimation or TOEI ANIMATION by buying the DVD from your local store. Anyway, all Dragon Ball Z Kai Part 2 episodes (14-26) is added to my YouTube account playlist.

But there is a problem, FUNimation blocked episode 20 and 25 in the US Country for copyright grounds. By any means, watch these episodes at Dubbinz instead. Another problem is that some users YouTube account may be terminated by copyright infringement if they get 3 strikes in a row.


Oh, will you stop watching Dragon Ball Z Kai from Toonzai! Watch it here instead.

Thank you!