Superintendent Jenkins' Statement on Newtown Tragedy

Post date: Dec 17, 2012 10:10:37 PM

"The events of Friday morning in Newtown, Connecticut go so far beyond my ability to understand as to be left with nothing but a feeling of numbness. I imagine it is much the same for all of you as well... Beyond caring for the emotional needs of all, our next thoughts are to our state of preparedness in dealing with emergencies. Due to the fact of having such an event in nearby Stockton Springs not too long ago, our emergency plans are current and staffs

have been trained. However, we certainly know we need to be vigilant and to regularly reexamine our plans and training. Already, law enforcement officials in Hancock County have offered to assist and we all be sitting down in January for additional training and to review our plans."

Read the entire statement: Superintendent Mark Jenkins' Statement