Fall Sports Preseason Meeting Tonight at 5:00pm

Post date: Aug 15, 2016 10:57:2 AM

The required preseason meeting for fall sports is 5:00pm tonight- August 15th- in the high school gym.  Students wishing to participate in soccer or cross country must attend this meeting, and parent attendance is strongly encouraged.  All needed paper work and information for the upcoming fall sports season will be provided.

All 9th and 11th grade students need to have current concussion testing information before they are allowed to practice.  This year we are doing baseline testing done at the beginning of the season rather then throughout the school year.  Soccer is one of the sports where students are most at risk for concussion, so testing before the season starts helps keep our players safer and healthier. One testing session was held for students this past Friday, another will be held this Monday from 3:00-5:00pm in the elementary school computer lab.

Finally, parents are reminded that the school is not providing student accident insurance this school year.  All students must have proof of insurance in order to participate in sports.  We will have application forms for individual student accident insurance policies that parents can fill out at the preseason meeting.  The cost for these policies usually starts at around $45.

If you have any further questions, please contact athletic directors Chris Talbot (ctalbot@dishs.org) or Terry Siebert (tsiebert@dishs.org).