2011-12 DISHS School Report Card

On March 1st the Maine Department of Education released report cards for each school in the state. Deer Isle-Stonington High School received a "C" grade.  We have been committed for several years to ensuring that every student who enters our school graduates on time with a diploma that will prepare him or her for college and fulfilling, modern careers.  Regardless of our grade, we will continue to work towards that goal. 

School performance is a complex idea to quantify and boil down to a single letter grade.  This grade represents one effort to do that using a certain set of criteria, but there are also other factors not included in the grade.

The grade confirms our own conclusions of our school's performance: our graduation rate is very impressive and demonstrates tremendous growth and our SAT scores, while improving, have considerable room for further improvement.

Our commitment to preparing all students can be seen in our efforts to:

Letter from Superintendent Mark Jenkins Regarding DI-S Schools Report Cards

Maine Department of Education School Report Card Page