Kira Moreno, Rose in Pencil 

Rose Graphite Drawings

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." 

Ms. Pasquariello's class was asked to draw a rose to demonstrate value. This rose drawing was done as a practise exercise as one of our weekly drawings. Students were asked to spend 20 minutes during 5 days on the drawing and then hand in what they had. All the roses look different but they all demonstrate a sense of  value using the grey scale. 

Gabriella Cristovao, Rose in Pencil 

Isabella Pilozzi, Rose in Pencil 

Massimo Pecci, Rose in Pencil 

Cindy Hull, Rose in Pencil 

Olivia Jade Rizzo, Rose in Pencil 

Isabelle Bavaro, Rose in Pencil 

Lea Tarantini, Rose in Pencil 

Olivia Jade Rizzo, Rose in Pencil 

Kira Moreno, Rose in Pencil 

Thayahna Kirubaharan, Rose in Pencil 

Nancy Efthimiou, Rose in Pencil 

Daniela Mastrangelo, Rose in Pencil 

Brianna Scavuzzo, Rose in Pencil 

Madeline Hofmann, Rose in Pencil 

Ashley Ferraro, Rose in Pencil 

Gianluca Policano, Rose in Pencil 

Emma Bruzzese, Rose in Pencil 

Mary Yakub, Rose in Pencil 

Julianna Marchese, Rose in Pencil 

Austin Rodriguez, Rose in Pencil 

Andrew Roach, Rose in Pencil