Hi, I'm Luca P

Self Portrait | Digitally Drawn | 381" x 445" | 04/01/21

My 2020 Quarantine | 02/23/21 | Graphite | 8" x 15 "

Snowy Morning

Acrylic Paint | 18" x 20 " | 04/01/21

My painting is of an Icy lake after a night of snowfall and the rising sun coming up over the trees while fishermen begin their morning ice fishing. I used many different shades, colours and values of acrylic paint with many layers to create this piece. My original idea was a lake scene that I made up using my imagination, but I made a major mistake on the lake and was forced to think of a backup plan, so I did. I added snow to the land and added layers of white paint to make ice over the lake, and instead of the fisherman being in boats, they were ice fishing instead. My goal with this painting was to convey an emotion which is happiness and a feeling which was peace because we see nothing going on in the painting. You can imagine it being quiet and free from all the drama and commotion of our daily lives. To be brutally honest I think I could do a better job in the future. I can learn what I don't like in this piece so I don't do it next time when I paint something. But for my first larger painting I could have done way way worse, so I surprised myself because I didn't make a sloppy mess.

Nike Zentangle | Ink and Graphite | 11" x 11" | 03/21

Station 9, Jesus Falls A Third Time | Digitally Drawn | 4" x 7" | 03/12/21

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