Hi, I'm Giuliano

Self Portrait, Digital art, 6x6, April 6, 2021

9th station of the cross, digital art, 6x6, March 12, 2021

Soccer Sensations

Medium: Acrylic paint on canvas

Size: 16x20

Date: April 5, 2021

This painting is one of my first and most meaningful because it is depicting my Idols growing up and I used to watch them all the time because soccer was my favorite sport and still is. It is very dear to me as the painting is supposed to show the amount of teamwork between the players and how they cooperate to show that anything to me as a team in the entertainment of watching them was amazing. Some of the techniques that I used in this painting were dry brush and masking tape to create this piece by making sure that the paint doesn't go everywhere and I use splatter for the background as it made it a little bit more colorful and abstract.

Testing painting #1, Acrylic paints and canvas, 16x20, March 22, 2021

Shape Assignment,digital and sketches, 4x20, February 12, 2021

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