Hi, I'm Sienna

Self Portrait, digital drawing on Procreate, 8 in x 12 in, April 6, 2021

A Year in Isolation, pencil on paper, 8 in x 12 in, February 18, 2021

Acrylic paint on canvas, 16 in x 20 in, April 5, 2021


Acrylic paint on canvas, 16 in x 20 in, April 5, 2021

Within my canvas, I created a piece that people have to take in and observe. I created this piece so people can focus on the subtle details to understand what is transpiring. My piece is not only a reflection of me, and how I am feeling within but also reflects what has been occurring around the world this past year. The bottles display our time in quarantine. It shows how we are “trapped” in our homes and we couldn’t escape them because of the ongoing pandemic. The main bottle in my painting emphasizes the piece. The bottles were spaced out to show that the image was getting farther away. The sand bumps got smaller and smaller as the painting travelled farther. Balance was created by using the same bottle shape on each of the sides of the painting. This helped create a feeling of equal weight in my painting. Other elements of art were used to create this painting. Form was used to create the feeling that the object was 3-D. All the shading and highlights helped accomplish this feeling. The texture was created by using lines of colour to create the illusion of glass for the bottles. The girl trapped in the bottle has an expression that tells the readers she is feeling a little anxious. The reason the bottle is washed up on a beach is that during this pandemic, one of the things I missed doing is travelling. It is to show that we are trapped behind glass from enjoying the world. The medium and techniques used in my piece allow people to understand a different perspective of the deep meaning of my painting. It lets people engage in an alternate reality. Since I am living in history, I decided to create a piece to reflect this unexpected situation. The emotion in my painting is meant to be stressful. When someone is feeling “trapped” you may feel stressed and that’s the emotion that is being reflected from my piece. My goal for this painting was for people to feel emotion and I am hoping that I can achieve this goal.

Jesus is condemned to death, digital drawing on Procreate ,

8 in x 12 in , March 12, 2021

Burano City Streets, pencil crayon on paper, 8 in x 12 in, March 4, 2021

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