Hi, I'm Marisa

Digital Self-Portrait, digital art, 797 x 550, April 1, 2021

City Streets, colored pencil on sketch paper, 8.5 x 11, March 3, 2021

CPT Painting

The Blue Ocean, acrylic paint on canvas, 16 x 20, March 31st, 2021

The landscape I painted is an ocean with a sunset in the background, it is called “The Blue Ocean.” It’s meant to represent happiness and peace in life. Value is the most obvious element in my painting. To create the different values I used acrylic paint and made different shades/tints of my colours to blend. I found a similar painting on google that I was inspired by, I decided to use it and make my own version. I tried to show calmness in my artwork so that the viewer gets that sensation. My goal was to share a message through my artwork to look at the beautiful things in life that make you happy. I learned a lot of new techniques in creating this project that I will definitely use in my future art pieces.

Still Life, pencil on sketch paper, 8.5 x 11, February 21, 2021

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