Hi, I'm Brianna

Digital Self Portrait, 4 x 5 , 04/01/21

Perspective Assignment: City Street

Pencil crayon

8 x 7


CPT Painting

Summer in Capri, acrylic paint on canvas, 16 x 20, March 30, 2021

My artwork looks like a peaceful summer day by the water with the wind blowing. The title of my painting is “Summer in Capri.” There is movement with the objects floating in the water, proportion with the size of the cliff versus the objects in the water, and you can also see balance with the darker colours and the cliff off to one side of the painting. You can see almost every single element of art used in this piece. Shape was used to create the shapes of the subjects in the piece. Form was created by using shading and highlights. Texture was used on the mountains and the water. What inspired my artwork was a beautiful picture that I was able to take while on a lift in Capri, Italy. I remember how beautiful the scene was and wanted to try and keep that memory as a painting. My goals as an artist are to create art that not only looks good but means something to me, for example with this photo it means something to me because it was from a picture I had taken and it was from a place that I love and where I have lots of memories. This piece helped me achieve my goal as an artist because I got to create a meaningful painting that I ended up loving. In creating this artwork, I learned things about myself that I hadn’t known before, for example I learned that I actually enjoy painting and that I find it really calming and relaxing. I would definitely paint on my free/spare time now that I know I enjoy it. Yes the final piece was how I imagined, aside from me not being able to create the houses as realistic as I would have liked, I think the painting looks pretty good. I ended up trying something new by adding the darker spots to the mountains and I was glad that I did because it ended up looking pretty nice. This piece will influence my future artworks because I learned things not to do while painting like rush, and I learned things to do while painting like take your time and really focus and drain everything else out.

Andre Kan grid assignment

Pencil crayon

8 x 7


Jesus Falls The Second Time


4 x 5


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