Modding the Lobby Avatar

Modding a Left 4 Dead 2 Survivor

Modding the Lobby Avatar

    - Image is 256x256 pixels.

    - Border layer is 7-pixel wide black border.

    - Portrait layer is screenshot from HLMV.

        - Use magic wand to select the grey background:

            - Selection mode: Replace

            - Flood Mode: (whatever is easier and accurate)

            - Tolerance: 0%

        - Erase selection (which makes background transparent).

        - (Change Brightness as needed).

    - Outline layer:

        - Duplicate portrait layer.

        - Effects > Stylize > Outline:

            - Thickness = 3

            - Intensity = 100

    - Background layer is "scratched green metal" image.

    - Order and set properties of the four layers:

        - Border

        - Outline of portrait

            - Blending mode: Color Burn

            - Opacity: 90

        - Portrait taken from HLMV.

        - Background.

Take Screenshot of Survivor Holding a Weapon in HLMV

Edit Screenshot in Paint.Net

[TODO: Insert and link the Paint.Net image that has the layers described below.]


