Danny the Sitting Dead and Pajama the Lying Dead

The Quest

Some modding friends and I have played a lot of L4D2 campaigns. At some point, we started noticing that almost every campaign used this one model of a guy sitting dead in a rolling chair. Someone said he looked a little like Danny DeVito. Even though the corpse doesn't look all that much like Danny DeVito, the name stuck. Here is Danny as seen in the model viewer. Just for fun, an image showing how he might look as a Waldo from Where's Waldo?, whom we call Danny DeWaldo, and an image with a parrot on his head.

So, for added fun while playing through each campaign, we will try to find Danny somewhere in it. Yes, we know we can just decompile each map and find him via Hammer, but what fun is that? Below is a list (Quest Schedule) of each campaign we have yet to search. At the very bottom of this page are links to pages that show campaigns we have searched along with screenshots of him (if we find him) in it. We'll probably show only one screenshot even if he appears more than once in a campaign.

After searching for Danny for awhile, we decided to also search for another less common model, the Pajama lady, as seen below.

Quest Schedule [Stopped probably in 2014]

The campaigns we have yet to search from the Final, Complete, and Beta campaigns on L4DMaps.com. Once we search a campaign, it is removed from the list and placed on one of the pages linked at the bottom of this page. The campaigns listed here are sorted by date of most recent update from oldest to newest. As campaigns are updated or added, this list is also updated. Scheduled for play-through, in this order:

The Epic Saga

Sorted list of Final, Complete, and Beta campaigns on L4DMaps.com that we have searched (201 campaigns as of 01-Mar-2014):